Works         Info

FUHA StudioIllustrations designed for FUHA Design Studio’s official website, @fuhastudio   /

CraversCharacter design for Hazelnut Company ''CRAVERS'' Brand Identity @eatcravers   /

Euro 2024 Quarterfinals 
A personal illustration on the Euro 2024 quarter-finalists held in Germany, inspired by Henri Matisse’s work "Dance"

A personal illustration

Berliner U-Bahn
A series of Berlin U-Bahn train illustrations I created for the
Westudio Berlin
office  /

Impossible Games
Football and tennis-themed illustrations that I created analog and produced as screen print editions.

Cover and illustrations for the magazine ''in pact media Verlag - Unternehmertum'' inside the German business and Economy magazine Wirtschaftswoche   /

Illustration work for "Reeplayer" web and app page, a company from Los Angeles. Reeplayer is a camera and platform for automatically recording, viewing, and sharing soccer games. It makes quality game footage accessible and helps players and teams capture their best moments without needing someone operating a camera.

Büchergilde Buchhandlung am Wittenbergplatz 

Dream Gigs Illustrated
Dream Gigs Illustrated is a series of gig posters. Imaginary gigs that never happened, missed gigs because of time and place, gigs that are experienced first hand and have left their mark… It’s up to the artist to decide. The possibilities are endless. 
